Faculty of Economics and Business

Service Unit

Business Incubator Service Unit

The Business Incubator of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Pancasila University Jakarta is designed to be a multipurpose incubator. 

The purpose of this Incubator is to develop the entrepreneurial spirit (Entrepreneurship) of graduates of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Pancasila University who are young at heart and other new Businessmen who develop from new businesses and use creations and ideas that develop in the soul of FEB students.

The FEB UP business incubator in the early stages plans to build student business groups and SME business groups around the campus area, namely kelurahan Srengseng sawah and Jagakarsa.

In its business development, the Incubator partners with government institutions and state-owned enterprises to develop SMEs across Indonesia.

Unit Layanan Advokasi Ekonomi SDG's

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a 2030 world development agenda that has become a commitment of all countries in the world, including Indonesia. Unlike the previous Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the SDGs targets are much more comprehensive, covering 17 targets that integrate the interrelationship between economic, social and environmental aspects strengthened by good governance. There are five pillars in the SDGs, namely SGDs -people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership- and also the targets are implemented in the local context - be it regions, cities, or communities. Spirit implementasi dalam konteks lokal ini juga sejalan dengan prinsip SDGs yang bersifat bottom up dengan berbasis pada komunitas-komunitas.

Moving from the above awareness, the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Pancasila (FEB UP), plans to establish the SDGs Economic Advocacy Unit as part of FEB UP's activism in realizing the SDGs targets in the local context. Therefore, "localizing the SDGs" is the big theme that the FEB UP SDGs Economic Advocacy Unit will carry in its institutional role.

The FEB UP SDGs Economic Advocacy Unit aims to become a center of excellence for student affairs at the university level in the context of localizing the SDGs. To achieve this, the FEB UP SDGs Economic Advocacy Unit will (i) strengthen the role of students as SDGs cadres and ambassadors to be able to actively participate in SDGs-related forums, (ii) facilitate the active role of students in conducting research on SDGs economic issues, and (iii) build public awareness and advocate for sustainable development through cooperation and alliances with the SDGs ecosystem. The focus on students is a differentiating factor of the FEB UP SDGs Economic Advocacy Unit from existing SDGs Units on other campuses whose activities have been dominated by lecturers. As future leaders, it is important for students to understand and be involved in the global vision of the future. This is because, in the next 15-20 years, not only will students directly experience the outcomes of the SDGs, but they will also be the key drivers that will ensure the implementation of sustainable development programs. It is for these reasons that efforts to raise awareness of the SDGs targets and the sustainable development agenda are vital among students. FEB UP's SDGs Economic Advocacy Unit wants to build a discussion platform and create an ecosystem for students to be able to actively participate in global issues at the local level -localizing the SDGs.

Creative Economy Service Unit

Creative Economy is a concept in the new economic era that intensifies information and creativity by relying on ideas and knowledge from Human Resources (HR) as the main production factor. The creative economy plays an important role for millennial youth in its role in developing creativity, reducing the number of intellectual unemployment with bachelor's degrees and creating new jobs for millennials. There are 16 (sixteen) creative industry sub-sectors in Indonesia that have been mapped by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy including advertising, architecture, art goods market, crafts, design, fashion, video, film, photography, music, culinary, and others that can be cultivated by millennials according to their respective specializations. Students as millennials can be referred to as agents of change. In their role as agents of change, students can act as supporters of creative economic activities, through their role in socializing creative economic activities among the community and working in the creative economy sub-sector according to their specialization as a means of developing an entrepreneurial spirit. The Creative Economy Service Unit of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Pancasila facilitates the participation of students in creative economy activities in various subsectors through several activities to develop interests and talents in the creative economy, including by attending training classes (which are aligned with training classes from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy) related to the creative economy sub-sector which are packaged in learning videos and through face-to-face learning directly to discuss and practice various skills in the creative economy so that students can increase competence in various sub-sectors of the creative economy, especially in the development and actualization of entrepreneurship among students.

Tax Center Service Unit

Based on the 2008 Memorandum of Understanding between the Directorate General of Taxes of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia and Pancasila University, Faculty of Economics and Business, regarding the establishment of the Tax Center of Pancasila University KEP.753A/WPJ.04/2008 Number 1850/R/UP/VII/2008: Dr. A. Sjarifuddin Alsa as Head of the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxes South Jakarta, Jl.Jenderal Gatot Subroto kav.40-42 South Jakarta in this case acting for and on behalf of the Directorate General of Taxes Ministry of Finance RI with Dr. Edie Toet Hendratno, SH., M.Si as Rector of Pancasila University, in this case acting for and on behalf of Pancasila University. This joint agreement aims to realize the awareness and concern of taxpayers in terms of fulfilling their obligations in the field of taxation. Implementation of training in the field of taxation to all lecturers, students, and employees of Pancasila University, implementation of tax socialization to the community, exchange of information that is beneficial to both parties, tax consultants for taxpayers at Pancasila University and the community in general, taxation research, legal studies on tax regulations, innovative studies in the field of taxation.

Investment Gallery Service Unit

The dissemination of information and socialization about the Capital Market in Indonesia is considered very important in socializing the function and role of the Capital Market for the Indonesian economy. Programs that are carried out in an integrated and directed manner will develop and increase public knowledge about the importance of investing early on. This knowledge is no exception obtained in the Higher Education area. As an information center in the field of capital markets, it is expected to provide information to users both within the academic community and for the general public. The establishment of the BEI-FEB UP INVESTMENT GALLERY is intended to introduce the Capital Market early on in an open manner for the entire academic community (lecturers, students, employees). The establishment of the IDX-FEB UP INVESTMENT GALLERY with a 3 in 1 concept is a collaboration between IDX, FEB UP and Securities Companies so that it is hoped that the academic community will not only recognize the Capital Market from the theory side but can directly practice it. The target of the BEI-FEB UP INVESTMENT GALLERY is so that students can better understand and recognize the capital market. The role of the IDX-FEB UP INVESTMENT GALLERY as a one-stop student activities of the capital market is one of the learning facilities that can be a force to educate the nation. In the future, through a capital market laboratory that provides real time data to learn to analyze stock trading activities, it is hoped that it can become a bridge to mastery of science and practice in the Capital Market, so that FEB UP can produce academics who understand theory and practice. GALERI INVESTASI BEI-FEB UP provides all publications and printed materials regarding the capital market issued by the Indonesia Stock Exchange including Capital Market regulations and laws. Information and data in the INVESTMENT GALLERY BEI-FEB UP can be used by the academic community for academic purposes, not for commercial purposes in terms of buying and selling shares. With the existence of the BEI-FEB UP INVESTMENT GALLERY, it is hoped that it can provide benefits for all parties so that the dissemination of capital market information is right on target and can provide optimal benefits for students, economic practitioners, investors, capital market observers and the general public in the region and surrounding areas both for the purposes of socialization and education / education of the capital market as well as for economic or alternative investment interests.
Student activities in the Investment Gallery, introduction to investment and capital market terms through mini stock lab games